Our Lady of Fatima School was first set up in a bungalow on the 1st of April 1954 with eight classes.
Pre-supposing the need of a larger school building to cope with the influx of students, a foundation stone was laid for an even larger structure, the result – a school building with two storeys. The eight classes were shifted to the new building which afforded the children large, airy class-rooms with corridors to walk along.
In July 1959, the Primary and Lower Sections were registered with the Directorate of Education, Karachi. The year 1962 heralded the conversion from a Lower Secondary School into that of a full-fledged Secondary School, with facilities for imparting education in both, Humanities and Science. In order to make a bold advance, a third floor as constructed and a well equipped laboratory was built, since it was a pre-requisite of a Science Class. The Secondary School was registered in 1963, with recognition being granted by the Karachi Board of Secondary Education in 1967.
The School is under the management of the Catholic Board of Education, with His Eminence, Cardinal Joseph Cordeiro, as its President. Routine checks are performed by an Inspection Team.
Today the School functions as a complete Girl’s Secondary School, with facilities for co-education up to the fifth class. The total number of students enrolled in the school varies from 520 to 550. Their instruction and general discipline is seen to by a very competent and efficient staff.
The results of the school have been good. The Science Section secures mostly cent per cent results, while the Humanities Section, which received a total success this year, usually merits an average of 98.4 percent.
To keep the parents informed as to their children’s progress, a parent-teacher meeting is held after the First Term Examination. This enables the parents to discuss with the teachers the best method to adopt to improve their child’s standard and how to correct their failings.
Extra-curricular activities are quite a regular feature. Each year, to celebrate the Feast Day of the School, a programme is arranged, be it a fancy dress parade, a debate, a concert or even a quiz. The most enterprising and deserving participants receive prizes.
Participation in sports is compulsory and the school sends its team to take part in the various inter-school games and athletic meets. In 1974, Miss Noella Soares won the First Prize in the 400 metre race, at the athletic meet organized by the Karachi Amateur Athletic Association. Her sister Jacintha Soares, won the second position, in the 400 metres race at the tournament held at the YMCA in 1977. This year also saw the Netball team receiving the Runners-up trophy.
Zandra Johns of Class VIII was declared the best middlers athlete on 4th February 1979 at the Inter-School Championship conducted by the Directorate of Physical Education, Karachi.
Besides sports, the students have also proved successful in music. The School band received the First Prize, and a choral group won the Third Prize at the same music contest held by the Karachi Gymkhana in 1977.
Students have not lacked success in other fields. In the World Animal Day elocution contest held at the Jamshed Memorial Hall on 12th October 1978, the following students won prizes.
- Ayub Khan-Class V 1st Prize
- Iqbal Moiz Ali-Class V 2nd Prize
- Shamima Akbar Ali-Class IV 1st Prize
- Tahira Fazal-Class IV 2nd Prize
- Zelena D’Cruz-Class I 1st Prize
Tarranum Fasih, Class VIII won the 1st Prize in the Quiz Programme conducted by the Karachi Television Corporation in 1978.
Regarding art, Nishila Rashid, Class X won the 2nd Prize in the Universal Children’s day Poster contest which was held at the Jamshed Memorial Hall in 1978. The painting of Rubina Rehman, Class X was selected for the P.I.A. Calendar for 1979. The Selection was made at the contest held by the members of All Pakistan Woman’s Association.
Students of our school are also encouraged to help organizations doing humanitarian work. For example every year the students of Class X prepare delicious snacks which are donated by them. A small sale is then held and the proceeds go to help the children of the Home for the handicapped or the Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre. TB seals are also sold to the staff and students and the money collected is sent to the Karachi T.B. Association.
It is in this spirit of dedication to work and loyalty to the school, that the staff and students work unitedly and diligently to keep the colors of their Alma Mater flying high.
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